
Maryville to conduct NARCAN administration trainings with local partners Aug. 31

Maryville, a child care organization based in Des Plaines, will be conducting two Overdose Awareness trainings, one in the morning at Loretto Hospital in Chicago, and an afternoon training at Des Plaines Public Library on Wednesday, Aug. 31. Maryville’s staff led by Jim Eaglin, Family Behavioral Health Clinic recovery home operator, will spearhead the trainings…

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CAN-TV November 2021 Episode

Watch our November CAN-TV episode with our Amy Kendal, Director of Maryville Crisis Nursery and her special guest, Christie Richardson, Regional Director of Community Relations and Food And Nutrition Services. They discissed the resources and support for families from Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago with a focus on the west side of the…

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CAN-TV featuring Maryville Crisis Nursery

Aired on Monday, September 27, 2021 on CAN-TV 21I In this episode, Maryville Crisis Nursery Director Amy Kendal and Family Advocate Worker Bianka Sifaffy discuss resiliency and tips to help parents and caretakers to help build their abilities to care for themselves and their children. The program also discusses the services of the Maryville Crisis…