Planned Giving and Bequests
To some extent, every gift to Maryville is “planned.” A person must first make a choice to support Maryville and then consider how to make that gift and when.
Here, the term “Planned Giving” generally refers to gifts that will benefit Maryville at some point in the future. These could be gifts made through one’s will or living trust, or gifts made through a life insurance policy or IRA account beneficiary designation, or even gifts that can pay income to you now and help Maryville later.
By making a gift to Maryville under your will or trust you can make a major gift to Maryville without impacting your current lifestyle. You can revoke your gift at any time should your needs or interests change.
Maryville has sample language available to share with your attorney, and will work with you and your attorney to draft customized language to ensure that your gift is used as you intended.
To learn more about how Planned Giving and Bequests can benefit Maryville’s children, please contact Megan Biasco, director of development at [email protected] or 847-294-1717.