Maryville celebrates Black History Month
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Maryville celebrates Black History Month

Maryville participates in the national celebration of Black History Month with four programs: the Jovenes Adelante Program (Youth Moving Forward), Casa Salama Home, Saint Mary of Celle, and Saint Dominic Savio. The Jovenes Adelante Program kicked off the celebration last week with a video teaching the boys and girls in the program about the lives…


Maryville participates in annual Giving Tuesday

Maryville Academy is participating in the annual Giving Tuesday again this year. Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement that was created in 2012 to encourage people to do good. Over the past years, this idea has grown into a year-round global movement that inspires millions of people to give and celebrate generosity. Although the…

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Yass Prize selects Walsh Academy as 1 of 64 quarterfinalists, the only special ed school in Illinois to qualify to the next round Oct. 9

The Charles H. Walsh Sr. Academy & Career Tech High School or Walsh Academy, formerly Maryville Jen School in Des Plaines, IL., wins a coveted spot among 64 quarterfinalists in an announcement made by the prestigious Yass Prize & STOP Award Initiative on September 14. Walsh Academy was selected from nearly 2,000 applications that represented…

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Overdose Awareness Trainings, 08/31/2022

Trainings were held at Loretto Hospital in the morning and at Des Plaines Public Library in the afternoon. Media coverage at Loretto Hospital: · WFLD-TV – Good Day Chicago at 6 a.m. (Audience: 17,052) – Clip · WFLD-TV – Good Day Chicago at 9 a.m. (Audience: 57,384) – Clip · WFLD-TV – FOX 32 News…

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CAN-TV November 2021 Episode

Watch our November CAN-TV episode with our Amy Kendal, Director of Maryville Crisis Nursery and her special guest, Christie Richardson, Regional Director of Community Relations and Food And Nutrition Services. They discissed the resources and support for families from Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago with a focus on the west side of the…

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CAN-TV featuring Maryville Crisis Nursery

Aired on Monday, September 27, 2021 on CAN-TV 21I In this episode, Maryville Crisis Nursery Director Amy Kendal and Family Advocate Worker Bianka Sifaffy discuss resiliency and tips to help parents and caretakers to help build their abilities to care for themselves and their children. The program also discusses the services of the Maryville Crisis…