Maryville Children’s Healthcare Center nurses receive PALS certification

Helene Pochopien (third from the right), the Children’s Healthcare Center’s director of nursing, is joined by a representative from the college (third from the left) and the four CHC registered nurses who received their PALS certification, left to right, Marge Zielinski, Rosemary Leach, Qwintina Anderson and Deborah King.
Congratulations to five Maryville Children’s Healthcare Center nurses who earned their Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) certification from Florida Southwestern State College after completing rigorous training in January.
Helene Pochopien, Deborah King, Marge Zielinski, Rosemary Leach and Qwintina Anderson passed their PALS certification and are now certified PALS instructors. In addition, they received their CPR training certification and are now qualified to certify other CHC nurses in PALS and CPR.
Before achieving these accomplishments, the five nurses dedicated hours to studying and completing several tests, including 12 hours of online preparation classes.
“We can now certify our staff to be PALS instructors,” said Helene.”It was an intense endeavor but we succeeded.”
Helene emphasized the importance of this training: “Our staff need to be trained because of the high acuity of our children at CHC. We have to be ready to identify acute illnesses and treat them appropriately, especially with ventilated children.”
We are also proud to announce that the Maryville Center for Children, where CHC is located, is now an official American Heart Association training site under the Florida Southwestern State College (FSW) Regional Training Center.