Respite funds available for caregivers
December 10,2018 — Individuals with ongoing responsibility for caring for a person with a developmental disability or other special needs may be eligible for up to $500 in funds for respite care. The Illinois Respite Coalition (IRC), coordinated by Maryville, provides temporary relief for caregivers who may need time to themselves to tend to their own health or for other important matters.
“We recognize how important it is for caregivers to take care of themselves,” Maryville Executive Director Sister Catherine M. Ryan, O.S.F., said. “For those who may not have the resources to take this time, this can be a way to find much-needed relief.”
The IRC is dedicated to increasing public awareness of the importance of “Lifespan Respite,” promoting education and training for families, and advocating for support for caregivers by providing access to quality respite services for the residents of Illinois. It is funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services.
The Emergency Respite Program is available to caregiver of individuals with developmental disabilities who are not receiving state-funded respite services and who are facing an emergency situation. This program serves people across the lifespan, so whether the caregiver is caring for a child or an adult, they may be eligible for respite funding. The funds can be used to hire a respite worker of their choice while they take some time to themselves.
Respite funds may be provided when a caregiver is facing an emergency which may include, but is not limited to, caregiver illness (mental or physical), family-related situations, caregiver hospitalization, bereavement, work emergencies and substance abuse issues.
To learn more about how to apply for funds, please go to